How do I figure the square footage for my masonry project?
Wouldn’t life be easy if everything in our project came in a rectangle shape? We could have stopped all our learning lessons after part 1. But life just doesn’t go that way, does it? The next step we’re going to take is to figure out the area of a triangle. These shapes are common if you have any part of your project coming in contact with a roof.
First off, the good news. We already covered how to convert measurements of feet and inches into just feet in the part 1. So now we can jump right into the formulas. For a triangle, we need to take the base in feet and multiply by the height in feet just like when we figured the rectangle. But now we have one more step. We take our answer and divide it in 2.
This formula works for all triangles that could ever possibly exist. Triangles that look like this one here…
…and even this goofy looking one here.
There you go, square footage basics part 2. Be sure to check out the rest of the series to find out how to finish estimating your masonry project. And remember, Integer specializes in masonry take-offs at affordable prices. Maybe you want a quick double check on your material before you put in an order for several thousands of dollars. The price of a take-off from Integer is well worth the money. Or maybe you just don’t feel like going through the rest of the series and just want Integer to run through everything. No problem, that’s what we’re here for. Check us out here at